Mindfulness and morning rituals

S.T.O.P. Stop. Take a few breaths. Observe yourself & your surroundings. Proceed.


As a few of you know, I’ve been on somewhat of a friends and family tour since the end of July. Through safely traveling, protecting others and myself, it’s been a COVID-free journey, and I’d love to speak to any of you about my experience traveling through the pandemic. Reach out anytime! Side note, here’s my recent favorite thoughtful and suggestive article regarding the pandemic from the Father of Functional Medicine. The Challenge of COVID-19. What Should We Do?

Upon being in multiple welcoming homes, cities, and climates, I have adopted a strict morning routine to keep my mind, body, and soul centered through consistently traveling, which has assisted in my overall feeling of being present each day. Mindfulness has been a topic of extreme interest to me for many years now, as it’s something I’ve consistently struggled with, but through my own experimentation and hands-on research, I’ve truly grown into a deep understanding of the absolute importance of being in the present moment.

Instead of focusing on past memories or future endeavors, mindfulness is the active pursuit of being in the present moment. By consciously focusing on the here and now in a non-judgmental way, using mindfulness techniques we can center ourselves and give our minds a much-needed break along with cultivating calmness to handle stressful moments.


Mindfulness does not always need to equate to adopting a daily meditation practice. We can cultivate presence and awareness by interacting with our senses intentionally during mundane or daily tasks. By adopting a mindfulness mentality throughout the day, we become more present and clear-minded as we grow more aware of ourselves, our work, and our loved ones. Small mindfulness moments contribute to our overall wellness by positively interacting with our bodies on a cellular level. We develop lasting health in the little and consistent things we do. Being present contributes to this.

Though the concept of mindfulness has been a topic of interest for over 2,000 years thanks to Buddhism psychology, it’s definitely a buzz word these days which can lead to an eye roll at its mention. We can go deeper in conversation about truly being present through the use of meditation à la Buddhism, however in our insane world right now I think it is essential to incorporate simple pauses from everything that’s happening internally and externally — modern-day mindfulness.

Adopting a mindfulness mentality in everyday moments

Try it out! Take an activity that you mindlessly do daily and incorporate some awareness. For example…

  • Driving everyday routes: Attempt to consciously take a new way to pay attention and notice different things along your drive.

  • Making coffee in the morning: Actively observe what you are doing, each step, how it feels and smells instead of worrying about the tasks of your day ahead.

  • Cooking meals for yourself and your family: Cut veggies, season, warm up food with intention… Who are you cooking for and why? Include your senses into the moment; what do you see, how does it smell, how does your body feel as you interact with cooking?

  • Doing the dishes: Focus on your breath and the sound of the water.

  • Intentionally practice silence in moments where you would usually talk to fill space.

  • Take a walk. This has been major for me in order to slow down a bit. Through going on walks, we connect the outside world with our bodies and minds on a cellular level.

  • Practice breathing instead of checking the news and Instagram. Even if just for a few minutes, stop to focus on the air moving in and out through your body. Have a look at this blog post for a few of my favorite breathing techniques!

Mindfulness has been linked to relieving stress, decreasing screen time, assisting in weight loss, an increase in cognitive abilities, emotional resilience, better sleep, feeling more alive, reconnecting with yourself, and feeling an overall sense of calm and relaxation which we all need these days.


Morning routine challenge

As I mentioned, cultivating an uncompromising morning ritual has been crucial for me to slow down, interact with my senses, and be fully present through all aspects of the day ahead. I oftentimes blame my Aries mentality for moving fast, go-go-going, and needing to be effortlessly busy at all times. Figuring out how to start my day intentionally through my morning routine has really helped in keeping my mind at ease as well as successfully completing tasks with a clear head, instead of just being busy to be busy.

Start your day intentionally

I’d like to think that even the most hectic morning could include one or a few of these rituals. Challenge yourself to incorporate thoughtfulness in your morning routine.

  • Drink a glass of water and check in with yourself before making coffee.

  • Create your coffee routine around breathing exercises.

  • Step outside for a deep breath and a peak at the sun before committing to starting your work day.

  • If there’s time, incorporate a few stretches, yoga, or exercise.

  • Choose a song or playlist to listen to while you’re getting dressed and making your bed.

  • Cultivate an epic skin self-care ritual with coveted products.

  • Do something for yourself before the kids or pets.

  • Initiate a fun conversation about the day ahead with your kids or partner.

  • Keep a notebook by your bed to write some thoughts before checking your phone upon waking up. This is a challenge for myself — let’s do it together!

Let’s talk! What are you struggling with in the morning? What are your favorite aspects of your morning routine? I’d love to connect with you to discuss!

Stop to smell the roses

It’s cliché, I know. But imagine the lasting benefits you will give your mind and body by simply adding a bit of mindfulness into your routines. Any healthy habit you incorporate into your daily flow contributes to your longevity. I love setting intentions for the weeks to come on a New Moon, which happens tomorrow Friday the 16th, try it out!


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